...so that, as promised, you all know what is to happen on the 11th.
Just look again at my blog of 26 Jan, headed 'I know that....' This will let you all know.
Since I wrote that, I have become much weaker. (I've lost more than 8lbs in the last week.) Unless God decrees otherwise, I cannot see how I am going to get thru this. I have not been granted a wholly supportive run-up to this date.
After this week, my friends, these blogs will have to stop. If, only for a while, then you may well believe in miracles; and I will surely pick up my 'pen' where I leave off. Keep an eye on my Twitter page from the 12th/13th.
I pray that you have enjoyed what I have posted. If any of my blogs have been a source of help, that is truly wonderful.
I send this with every blessing to all of you around the world, and wish you all well. Remember - Life is like a coin. You can spend it how you like, but you can only spend it once.