Thursday, 30 May 2013

How do you know....

....what someone else is thinking? How do they know what you are thinking? You may think you know. They may think they know. But sometimes, there can be a world of difference between what we know and what we think we know. And, for as long as we think that what we know is what we really know, we cannot really know what needs to be known because we cannot see past what we think.
There should always be clear communication.  Confusion arises from assumptions, and sentences starting with 'What I meant was.....' help nobody.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

This post will be....

.....communicated in semaphore. Watch carefully while I wave these little flags up and down. There. That is perfectly clear, isn't it? You can't see what I am saying? Get away with you.  Look more carefully.  Oh, ok, let us try smoke signals instead. There must be some way I can set fire to this site!
When something needs to be said, the best way to say it is in a way that can neither be ignored or misinterpreted. Guessing games don't help anyone understand each other better.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

It is hard to put someone else's....

....mind at rest whilst your own is in turmoil. Hard, too, to heal another person's wounds while your own ache and weep. Hard, yes. Impossible, no. Life may have taken a lot out of you, and a lot out of me, but we still have a lot to give. So we should give it. Share it. Summon the hope and the kindness that resides deep in your heart and express it to those around you. Resist the temptation to complain, even though there's plenty that you can feel justifiably unhappy about.
Positivity is the only way forward.  Negativity should be outlawed.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Get this.....

....Apparently people don't like to be deceived.  Oh really!  Well actually, we do. That is why so many of us end up being so easily misled. We enjoy being fooled - especially if this allows us to feel that several of our favourite fantasies are being confirmed as 'probably true'. .
What we don't like is to be undeceived! We don't enjoy being told the truth or forced to face some uncomfortable fact.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

This was part of an email....

....I unexpectedly received recently - '....I had a read through some of your blog and it's very thought-provoking - I looked back to your entries in Feb and March and found your positivity while you must have been in a huge amount of pain inspiring'
There are no words that can do justice in expressing how I felt when I read that.  In a strange way, those words seemed to make everything that has happened (or not) since last autumn, worthwhile.