Friday, 28 February 2014

I would venture to suggest that....

you didn't know alcohol poisons the liver and the kidneys. (OK, I admit it, I'm being flippant on Friday.)  But at least the drinks briefly give rise to some pleasure. Resentment is a psychological poison but it is infinitely more dangerous. Even a small amount can do irreparable harm to our peace of mind and, perhaps more crucially, to our judgement. Often, people who experience resentment become drunk on it without even realising that this has happened.
If you are starting to resent something, and you can't change it, you have to apply the only known antidote - and find a way to love it.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

One of those updates for you....

......The last time I had any abdominal discomfort related to Crohn's was last October. The last time I had real debilitating pain was at the beginning of last September. Staggeringly amazing.
Even my secular friends who have known me for a very long time are now using the word 'miraculous', whilst admitting hesitation in doing so.        

If you have the desire to....

..........cross every line of longitude on earth, and you choose to travel by foot, car, boat or plane, your journey will describe a circle of roughly 25,000 miles - if you start at the equator.  But if you were to go to the north (or south) pole, you could simply lift up one leg and hop in a circle! If you were a ballet dancer, you could even do a pirouette. (Ha, that's plain crazy!  You wouldn't get me wearing a tutu at one of the Polar regions.  Come to that, you wouldn't get me.....)

People who go to extremes can sometimes cover a whole lot less ground!

Friday, 7 February 2014

In an attempt to.....

....avoid stress, some people accidentally create a lot of tension. They adopt, for example, policies which they believe will help them lead an easier life. Then they put themselves under a great deal of pressure to adhere to these, somewhat defeating the object of the exercise. Trouble has a way of getting to us all, no matter how we try to keep it at bay.
You may need to find a way to stop seeing it as something you can outwit, escape or deflect. See it as your friend and then disarm it with a smile.