Friday, 28 March 2014

What's going to be....

....the next big thing? Whatever it is, the chances are it won't stay big for very long. Trends and fashions rarely do. They come along in a grand parade accompanied by trumpets and drummers. We all make a fuss about them - and then they go again. So they are not really such big things after all. (Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of the Tamagotchi.......ummm, point made me thinks!!)
If a big deal is being made by something or someone in your world, temporarily that may be appropriate. But in the bigger scheme of things, it's most likely not so crucial.

What happens when you turn....

....on a light in a dark room? Nothing actually changes; it's just that suddenly you see what before you could only imagine. Gloomy shadows disappear. Clear, clean lines emerge. It's amazing how a little extra information can alter a perception. Admittedly, it can also show up faults and failings that were previously indiscernible.
Ultimately, though, we are better off with information, than we are with ignorance.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Is the ocean calm or crazy?....

Waves, when they are being stirred up by the wind and the weather, can be extremely intense. Yet if you happen to be in a submarine, many fathoms below them, you will see a world in which all is tranquil and still. Same sea - different depth. If you wish to, you can relate to the superficial side of any situation. You can watch the thunderous foam as it breaks over the bows of boats. Or, you can dive down deep within your inner well of wisdom; and relate only to that which is safe, strong and capable of protecting you from any pressure.

Maybe all of us need to go diving.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

In the quest for high ratings....

.......TV companies are forever exploring new ideas - or squeezing the pips out of old ones. I'm sure that one day we'll be watching people attempt to sing  and/or dance inside a space ship.  Animals throughout the galaxy will be covering  their ears while some of us will think we have a vote that matters.  But provided it generates money......
The thing is, these companies don't know about you.  You could be worth a fortune! To earn it, you'd simply have to do what you normally do, except before a camera! You may not get such an offer, but this is a reminder that your life is priceless.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

I feel in need of.....

....a 'they say' moment. (I've no idea why.)  So, let's go for it - They say modern society is obsessed with instant gratification. 'We want it all and we want it now.' Ah, but do we? What about our fascination with soap-operas? (I kid you not - there are some who can't miss them.)  Serials and sagas that rumble on from week to week? We know that we can't have everything at once, and that if we were ever granted this we would soon become overloaded. There's something intrinsically satisfying about the slow evolution of a situation.
What you have today is what you need. The same will be true tomorrow.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How badly do you want....

....what want? Actually, allow me to phrase that a different way, for the word 'badly' has a negative implication. How deeply? How truly? How sincerely? You don't have to burn. You don't even have to yearn. You do, though, have to aspire to your desire. You have to maintain a consistent commitment and you have to apply a little self-discipline.
This is traditionally referred to as, the tricky part - but how tricky is it really?