Monday, 15 September 2014

Our heroes and heroines....

..... can rarely do wrong in our eyes. Once we have elevated them in our estimation, we become deeply reluctant to demote a demi-god. Sometimes, we can be similarly romantic about other things in our lives; friends, companions, family members. If we respect them ever, we respect them forever.
Yet we are all human. None of us is impeccable or infallible.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

I have it on good....

.....authority - well, good(ish) - that there are internationally acclaimed psychics who can reliably tell you whether you are thinking of a square, a circle, a cross or a triangle. Even if their success rate is not a hundred per cent, they defy the laws of chance if they are accurate sixty per cent of the time.
Still though, such an ability does not guarantee an infallible understanding of everything that someone else happens to be thinking. You can't expect anyone to be a mind reader.