Thursday, 29 January 2015

You know what you know....

....As for what you don't know? Well, you don't know it, do you? So far, so simple. The trouble is, sometimes, we think we know what we don't really know at all. Sometimes, too, we know something, yet for some strange reason, we don't really know that we know it!
Only when our knowledge is put to the test, do we discover how far it extends.

Faith and fear both demand in something you cannot see.  You choose.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

On virtually every desk... every office I ever worked in, there were 3 trays -  'in', 'out' and 'too hard'; er I mean 'pending'.  (Some of us temporarily had a 4th unlabelled tray, at various times.  The label that wasn't there read 'leave til after the election'.)  Anyway, what's in your pending tray now? What are you putting off? Where do you feel unable to take action until something else happens? Is there something you would prefer not to deal with because it is too difficult? Be brave. Get to grips with it. Even if you can't see a solution, at least talk about the fact that there seems to be no answer.
That acknowledgement could work wonders.
'I love you' means nothing without action. Anyone can say it but only the ones who truly care about you will show you.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

It wasn't that long ago when....

the reprimand  'Wake up, and smell the coffee' seemed to be in vogue.  (That sort of made sure I worked hard at not using it.) Doing just that wasn't going to bring anyone to their senses. Surely, they need to wake up and drink the coffee. The other one was 'It's time to face reality'.   (Maybe they're still used.)
Have any of us actually ever seen reality? We see what we choose to perceive as real. Ultimately, all of existence is illusory. Nothing lasts forever and everything boils down to a matter of perspective. Any way you look at it, you will see it differently.
Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you already are.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

It's always tempting.... mull over mistakes. We do this sometimes because we feel we may be able to learn something - and sometimes, through some perverse desire to punish ourselves. Often though, our biggest mistakes are the ones we know nothing about. They may involve opportunities we do not realise we have missed or decisions that have led to a worse outcome than we yet realise.
And then, there are the moves we made which we thought were wrong, yet turned out not to be mistakes at all.
The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.     (Deepak Chopra)

Friday, 9 January 2015

Are you sitting comfortably?....

.....Then I'll begin - Once upon a time, a long long time ago there was a farmer. One day, he broke his plough. So he set off to borrow a replacement. At first, he felt optimistic, 'My neighbour is a nice fellow. He won't mind helping out.' While he was walking, he grew doubtful. 'What if he says no? After all, we compete for business at the local market.' By the time he arrived, he felt so angry that when the door was opened, he punched the other farmer in the face saying, 'That serves you right for being so mean.'
Don't prejudge a problem, or you may make it worse.
Life's like a play: it's not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters. (Seneca)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Apparently, there are internationally....

....acclaimed psychics who can reliably tell you whether you are thinking of a square, a circle, a cross or a triangle. Acclaimed by whom?  You may well ask!!  Even if their success rate is not a hundred percent, they defy the laws of chance if they are accurate sixty percent of the time. Still though, such an ability does not guarantee an infallible understanding of everything that someone else happens to be thinking.
You can't expect anyone to be a mind reader.
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.    (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Monday, 5 January 2015

Years ago there was some old....

....Greek guy called Heraclitus.  He's reputed to have said 'History is a child building a sand castle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of humanity's power in the world.' A wise old man, it seems.  Then again, did he say it?  Many of his writings are lost to us, apart from where other philosophers have quoted him.
But there is still a nice sense of perspective here, and it may prove very helpful for any of us to keep such a view in mind when we evaluate the importance of a plan or project which is perhaps taking more energy and concentration than it may deserve.
No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.  (Native American Proverb, Tribe Unknown)