Friday, 20 March 2015

Some people will say....

....or do almost anything if they think that it will gain them more money, more love or more respect. It's all rather sad, to say nothing of counterproductive. Money earned through insincere action is soon wasted on unnecessarily indulgence. Love attained through a false promise is soon lost. Recognition given to an empty gesture is rapidly replaced by criticism.

If there is ever pressure on you to lower a standard or to compromise an important principle, the apparent reward is probably not really worth having.

We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.  (Martin Luther King)


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

'They' have been making utterances again.... they are saying ignorance is bliss.  Well, what a surprise - it's not true. Ignorance is vulnerability. Ignorance is deprivation, despair and depression. It is the inability to recognise precisely what you need, even when it is staring you in the face. Ignorance allows you to be robbed of something precious without even realising. Those who happen to be in the know understand one thing very clearly.
Your ignorance is indeed their bliss.
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: What! You too?  I thought I was the only one.   (C S Lewis)

Thursday, 12 March 2015

There are some who believe...

.....that stability is something you attain through prudence. If you don't rock the boat, they argue, the boat will be less inclined to rock you. (And you know how you are viewed if you do rock the boat from time to time.) 

But how can you truly hope to create an island of conviction in the ocean of uncertainty? The best you can hope to accomplish is a psychological surfboard that lets you ride the waves of chaos, rather than be continually submerged by them.
Take chances. When rowing forward, the boat may rock. (Chinese proverb)

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Let bygones be bygones....

.....Life's too short for rancour and recrimination. Build bridges, don't burn them. Reach out the hand of reconciliation. Let loose the white dove of peace and tolerance. Be big-hearted and generous. Remember that a grudge is the heaviest thing to hold.  And look a little more forgivingly at that person in the mirror, after all, there but for the grace of God goes you! 
Things happen from time to time, we have to learn from them and move on.

With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble.  Courage is the foundation of integrity.   (Keshaven Nair)