....blog, but now is the time for me to put on record some realities; due to comments which have been made about me by those who speak from a position of ignorance.
But, first I will start with some quotations -
Ghandi said he would love to become a Christian. He was just waiting to meet someone who sincerely lived out what Jesus taught.
The very word ""Christianity"" is a misunderstanding - in truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross. (Nietzsche)
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those that mind, don't matter.
1. I have never professed to being a Christian. I am not and will not ever be good enough to wear that label. The first Wesley sermon I read was 'The Almost Christian'. It is my belief that this is the best any of us can truly hope to be.
2. I am not a Pastor in the fullest sense. It is an honorary title bestowed on me when arriving in Pakistan because there is no equivalent for lay preacher - something I trained for and became fully accredited.
3. No middle-aged Englishman would leave a comfortable (if uneventful) life in suburban Britain, and move 6000 miles to a country, a culture, and a language that he may never fully understand; after giving up his home, giving all of his belongings to charity and leaving friends and family behind not knowing if he will ever see them again - Nobody would do all of that on a whim. (If they did, they would choose a country where they would fit in more easily.)
4. I'm just an average man who answered a call - a divine call - to go to Pakistan and live and work with and for the very poor children. I did not want to do this, initially; and feel wholly inappropriate and inadequate to the task. I did eventually say 'yes' because the One who called me - the One I serve - gave everything for my salvation. I, in return, dedicated my life to what He asked of me. Why Pakistan? I have no idea.
5. It has been pointed out to me that nobody in the history of mankind would ever have employed Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob etc for the roles they took on. As for the voice of those distractors - and there are many - Noah was mocked. If I have to over-turn the 'stalls in the temple, set up for personal gain'; well if that's what God wants.....
6. I received this calling because I am different. My mind-set is different. I have always had a rebellious streak. I was not sent to be battered and moulded into a pale imitation of those around me. I have to work at understanding and respecting the culture, but that doesn't include respecting arrogance, impoliteness and gossip.
7. I'm certainly no saviour, and have never professed to be one. I will just do what I can, in whatever way I am called to do it. If, at the end of my time, one child has been taken out of poverty and given a chance to make something of themselves; the ripple effect could transform thousands - job done.
8. I have no time for religion. Neither does God. It is a set of man-made rules, mostly seriously outdated; made for the benefit of those who made them.