Sunday, 24 March 2019

Politicians pursue policies....

....(when they can find the time).  Physicists follow formulae.
We all have views that seemingly help us to make sense of a crazy world. We develop techniques for coping with the silliness of it all and sometimes, these become ridiculously complicated. We end up baffling ourselves with long explanations and growing almost superstitious about the best way to keep chaos at bay. And then we wrestle with a pile of ifs and buts and maybes.

Sometimes we benefit more by not thinking about them and keeping things simple.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.  Happiness never decreases by being shared.    (Buddha)

Many seem to believe....

....that corners are for cutting. If there's a short cut, why not take it? If there's an alternative, why not exploit it? The more enlightened we are, the easier we realise that, often in life, the journey counts at least as much as the destination.

It's not a question of where we end up, it's a matter of how did we get there. What steps did we take? What lessons did we learn? What depth of appreciation have we gained?

The more we know, the better we forgive.  
Those who feel deeply feel for all living beings.   (Madame de Stael)

Saturday, 9 March 2019

How confused would you.... to become? Be careful how you answer that question because, while there are no real limits to the amount of confusion that a human being can experience, the most confused folk of all are the ones who consider themselves to be completely clear!

Image result for rolling hills

There will always be some things that create uncertainty. It will be eternally possible to see certain situations in one of several ways. If you seek true clarity, acknowledge your doubts. Don't just try to suppress them.

Nothing is easy to the unwilling    (Thomas Fuller)

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Poite society reminds us.... watch our words and mind our manners. We must take great care not to cause offence or to touch upon sensitive subjects. Perish the thought..!!  Some of us, indeed, are so fastidious in our adherence to these unwritten rules that we all but avoid saying anything meaningful to anyone, ever.

No wonder communication between human beings is often such an unsatisfactory process.

If you live your life with the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you will have no today to be thankful for.

Have faith....

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Doubt is like....

....a single celled amoeba. It self-replicates. It grows without the need of assistance and encouragement. If you've got even so much as a tiny little bit of it, you just have to wait a while and you will end up with a whole lot more. Unless, that is, you interfere with its environment and reduce the number of ideal conditions under which it can thrive. 

Just remember that certainty is self-perpetuating too. Then, deliberately apply positive, hopeful energy to whatever is making you feel most anxious.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm but to add 
colour to my sunset sky.    (Rabindranath Tagore)

How do you reach....

....a state of happiness? How do you become truly comfortable? How do you fill your heart with so much enthusiasm that you can overcome any obstacle, override any negative development, overthrow any unhealthy habit pattern? By relaxing. By trusting. By making a real effort not to get stuck in old fears. By trying hard not to get emotionally drawn into new dramas.

But mainly, by asking/praying for the ability to be appreciative of all that's so wonderful in this world!


We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is
when men are afraid of the light.   (Plato)