Thursday, 25 April 2019

Life's full of ideas....

....that don't really make much sense, arrangements that don't work quite as well as they ought to and explanations that sound good until you really start to think. We all know this, but we generally prefer not to dwell on the defects and drawbacks. We find it easier just to pretend that all is more or less fine.

Sometimes, though, we are obliged to confront the inadequacy of a belief, a situation or an assumption. Annoying, maybe -  but definitely not the end of the world.

The only person who is educated is the person who learnt how to learn and change.   (Carl Rogers)

Do you. like me, have those moments....

.....when we take a pregnant pause and wonder who can tell us why things have turned out a certain way - sometimes seemingly not for the better? If so, plenty of people can offer ideas; I have no doubt. Some versions of a story sound more likely than others, but then, we live in a world where all the normal rules of reality can be reversed at the end of a bad day's trading on the stock market. So who can really see how mechanisms are truly moving? And anyhow, what does it matter.

There's little to be learned from going over old ground, but there's usually a lot to be gained from breaking new ground!

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path 
and leave a trail.   (Ralph Waldo Emerson)