Thursday, 10 October 2019

If you want.... be popular, go to charm school. Learn how to make others like you by showing them how much you like them. Don't just find some way to tolerate the people who annoy you; suffer fools gladly. Smile a lot. And if you don't care whether you are popular or not? Do all this anyway. It's polite. And it's good for you.

But stop short of accepting what you ought to reject or betraying what you know you must protect.

The true meaning of being misled is to believe oneself finer than the others.  
(Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

Friday, 4 October 2019

There's love and....

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....there's love.  Relationships, by and large, involve conditional love. No matter how much one person loves another, they can usually bring themselves to stop if the other person behaves badly enough. A particularly tolerant soul may forgive more... but the kind of love that flows between two people, wonderful though it may be, is not the kind of love that makes the world go round.

That's love for life itself.

Great relationships aren't built in a day.  Great relationships are built daily.