Sunday, 24 May 2020

Experience is....

.....the greatest teacher, and when the lesson that needs to be learned is important enough, it hardly matters whether that experience is positive or negative. When we look back on all the events that seem to confirm our wisdom, we have to wonder whether these have helped us or just conditioned us to remain upon a path that is so straight and narrow that it offers no scope for discovery.

Through looking at what has gone wrong in the past, you stand the best chance of making things right in the future.

Our best thoughts come from others   (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Does every closet....

....hide a skeleton? Does every statement disguise a hidden agenda? There are times when we can look around at the people in our world and wonder just what it is that they are trying to cover up. 

But then, we have all got private thoughts that we would rather not share. These become problematic only when we pretend otherwise and try to persuade ourselves that something is true, when deep down we know that it isn't

The doer alone, learneth.  (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Everything looks....

....difficult when you don't know what it involves. Knowledge isn't just power, it is relief, even peace of mind! Now, I know what you are thinking. 'What if you happen to know for a fact that something really is as difficult as it looks?' Well, even so, at least you know what you are dealing with. The unknown is always more nerve-racking than the known. And the known, if it is really known, is never without hope.

There is a world of difference between the difficult and the impossible and that's all you need to remember.

One fails forward towards success  (Charles Kettering)