Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Virtually all children....

....go through growth spurts. Sometimes, they can seemingly put on a few inches in just a few weeks. Adults, if they are lucky, don't increase their size. (Or if they do, it happens horizontally rather than vertically.) Still, though, no matter how old we are, we never lose the ability to increase our understanding. Ideas about life that once used to fit us perfectly become too tight and constricting.

We have to shed our old beliefs and opinions so that we gain greater insight. If you are going through such a phase now; be glad of it.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. 
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

So often it's just....

.....a matter of degree, isn't it? One mouthful may be tantalising, two may be satisfying, three could be overdoing it and four, would be a sure-fire recipe for indigestion. We cannot always see how to draw the line... or where. Often, it seems, the only way to find out when enough is enough, is to carry on until we've had too much, and then try to edge back a bit.

That's an easier process than many of us fear. We should never assume that a passing sense of discomfort will become a permanent disability.

We are afraid of the enormity of the possible.  (Emile M Cioran)