Monday, 14 April 2014

Fight or flight?....

....It's not much of a choice, is it? Why stand your ground when you can rise above it? Why battle to protect a position when you can take up a new one, anywhere you want to? If you really feel an argument is worth pursuing, give it all you've got. But ask yourself how bad it would be if your side were to lose?
There comes a point where you have to stand back at least far enough to know how far in you truly need to wade.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Why bang your head....

....against a brick wall? Why cast pearls before swine? Why sow seeds on stony ground? (Don't worry, I'm not expecting a flurry of answers from around the world.)  Whenever we find ourselves doing such things, we never have a satisfactory reason why. Sometimes, though, we find ourselves doing them nonetheless.
Then, suddenly, we realise that the exercise is pointless. We resolve to stop - and instantly, our lives improve.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

There is always someone....

....who is worse off than us - and always someone who is better off. Even when we hit rock bottom, if we stop and listen carefully, we will hear the cries of someone who has fallen even further down a deeper well. Even when all our ships seem to have come in at once, a quick glimpse towards a nearby port will reveal the sight of an admiral who appears to be greeting an entire armada.
There's nothing wrong with making valid comparisons.  There's a lot wrong with making unhelpful ones.