Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Let's discuss....

....a hypothetical question. You are a passenger in a vehicle. The driver is reversing round a tight difficult corner. You can see what they can't see, a wall very close to your side. So, should you keep quiet and be polite because you don't want to be a backseat driver? Or attempt a quick, gentle word like, 'You have noticed this, haven't you?'

And if the wall does get hit and you have not said a word, whose fault would it be?

The reward of a thing well done is having done it.  (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

May I ask a favour....

Image result for river in michigan

....from you?  Please find a mirror. Stand in front of it. Close your eyes. Open them again. See that person looking at you? Say hello. Smile. Make friends! Oh, by the way, you don't know them as well as you think you do. There's more to them than meets the eye! They've got hidden depths. Talents as yet undiscovered. Abilities just waiting to be developed.

That person you are looking at could be someone very different, surprisingly soon. All you have to do is help them.

If you spend time being down on yourself or doubtful of your own entitlement to a happier life.......Well, now I need another favour......I need you to ask yourself why.

People with great gifts are easy to find, but symmetrical and balanced ones never.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It can be easy....

....to forget that when people say, 'Oh, I don't mind how things turn out. I'm easy-going and relaxed.' This isn't always true. It may be better heard as a statement of aspiration. They may be saying, 'I wish I could develop a more laissez-faire attitude. Or it may be that they feel socially awkward about expressing deep desire and determination, so they try to cover it up.

Success can often involve refining the ability to distinguish between what someone is saying and what they really mean.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else 
is the greatest accomplishment.     (Ralph Waldo Emerso)