Saturday 17 March 2018

Quite often our work.....

.....running One World Welfare Organisation, and delivering on its raison d'etre - its founder's vision, I'm reminded of the story of the young child and the starfish -

A young child was walking along the seashore surrounded by thousands upon thousands of starfish which had been washed up on to the shore and were fighting to survive.  The child was throwing them back into the sea as he walked.
This was witnessed by an adult further away from the shoreline.  The adult walked over to this child and asked him why he was bothering.  After all, there were so many dying starfish that he couldn't make much difference.

As the young child picked up yet another starfish and saved it by throwing it back into the briny waters, he replied - maybe I can't but I certainly did to that one.

I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I must not fail to do the something that I can do. (Helen Keller)

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